O.W. Richard & R.G. Davies, 1977. IMMS’ General textbook of Entomology. Part I & II. (Chapman & Hall, London). 1354 pages.
H.E. Evans, 1984. Insect biology – A textbook of Entomology. (Addison-Wesley Publ. Co.). 436 pages.
R.M. Fox & J.W. Fox, 1964. Introduction to comparative entomology. (Reinhold Publ. Corp., NY). 450 pages.
M.S. Mani, 1982. General entomology. (Oxford & IBH Publ. Co.). 912 pages.
M.S. Mani, 1995. Insects. (National Book Trust, India). 162 pages.
H.H. Ross, C.A. Ross & J.R.P. Ross, 1982. A textbook of entomology. (John Wiley & Sons). 666 pages + index.
C.L. Metcalf & W.P. Flint, 1962. Destructive and useful insects. (Tata McGraw-Hill Publ. Co. Ltd.). 1087 pages (Revised by R.L. Metcalf).
J.E.Webb, J.A. Wallwork & J.H. Elgood, 1981. Guide to invertebrate animals. (English language book society & McMillan). 305 pages.
S.C. Saxena, 1992. Biology of insects. (Oxform & IBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd.). 366 pages.
Anonymous, 1976. The yearbook of agriculture – Insects, 1952. (Oxford & IBH Publ. Co.). 780 pages.
Anthony Wootton, 1984. Insects of the world. (Blandford press). 260 pages.
R.A. Boolootian & K.A. Stiles, 1976. College zoology. (McMillan Publ.). 801 pages.
R.A. Arnett & R.L. Jacques, 1985. Insect life: A field entomological manual for the amateur naturalist (Prentice-Hall, Inc.). 354 pages.
R.F. Chapman, 1969. The insects – structure and function. (The Eng. Language Book Society). 819 pages.
V.A. Little, 1967. General and applied entomology. (Oxford & IBH Co.). 527 pages.
D.B. Tembhare, 1997. Modern entomology. (Himalaya Publ. House). 623 pages.
P.J. Gullan & P.S. Cranston, 2000. The insects: An outline of Entomology. (Blackwell Science, USA).