Comparative Anatomy Books


Liem, K. F., Bemis,W. E., Walker, W.F. & Grande, L. 2001. Functional Anatomy of the Vertebrates: An Evolutionary Perspective. Brooks Cole; 784 pages.

Kardong, Kenneth V. 2008. Vertebrates Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution. McGraw Hill Higher Education. 5th edition (October 30, 2008). 800 pages.

Kent, G.C. 1969. Comparative anatomy of the vertebrates. (The C.V Mosby Co., Tokyo). 437 pages.

Kent, George C. & Carr,Robert K. 2009. Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates. McGraw-Hill Science. 544 pages.

Eaton, T.H. 1960. Comparative anatomy of the vertebrates. (Harper & Row Publ.). 384 pages.

M. Hildebrand, 1995. Analysis of vertebrate structure. (Hohn Wiley & Sons). 657 pages.

J.S. Kingsley, 1974. Outline of comparative anatomy of vertebrates. (Central Book Depot, Allahabad). 470 pages.

K.V. Kardong, 2005. Vertebrates: Comparative anatomy, function, evolution (Tata McGraw-Hill Co.). 761 pages.

Kardong, Kenneth & Edward Zalisko. 2008. Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy: A Laboratory Dissection Guide. The McGraw Hill Co. 400 pages.

Karel Liem, 2000. Functional anatomy of the vertebrates: An evolutionary perspective.

Warren F. Walker Jr. Functional Anatomy of Vertebrates: An Evolutionary Perspective.

Walter, H.E. & L.P. Sayles, 1994. Biology of the vertebrates. (The McMillan Co.). 875 pages (Indian Edition).

Weichert, C.K. 1970. Anatomy of the chordates. (McGraw-Hill Book Co.). 814 pages.

Weichert, C.K. & W. Presch, 1977. Elements of chordate anatomy. (Tata McGraw-Hill co.). 826 pages.

Indian Authors

R.C. Gupta & Girish Chopra, 1999. Comparative anatomy of chordates. (R. Chand & Co.). 511 pages.

Saxena, R.K. & Saxena, Sumitra. 2008. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates. Viva Books Private Limited. 479 pp.

M.L. Srivastava, 1985. An introduction to the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. (Central Book Depot, Allahabad). 527 pages.