Ecology Books

Books on Ecology & Environmental Science

Chapman, J.L. & Reiss, M.J. 1992. Ecology: Principles and applications. Cambridge Univ. Press. 294 pages.

Cunningham, W.P. & Cunningham, M.A. 2003. Principles of environmental science, inquiry and applications. Tata McGraw-Hill Publ. Co. Ltd. 424 pages.

Faurie, Claude et al. 2001. Ecology: Science and practice. Oxford & IBH Publ. Co. Pvg. Ltd. 321 pages.

Kemp, David D. 1994. Global environmental issues: A climatological approach. Routledge, London. 224 pages.

Klarke, G.L. 1954. Elements of ecology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 560 pages.

Kendeigh, S.C. 1975. Ecology, with special reference to animals and man. Prentice-Hall, India Pvt. Ltd. 474 pages.

Kormondy, E.J. Concepts of Ecology.

Krebs, Charles 1975. Ecology: The experimental analysis of distribution and abundance. Harper & Row Publ. 678 pages.

McKinney, M.L. & Schoch, R.M. 2003. Environmental science. Jones & Bartlett Publ. 560 pages.

Miller, G. Tyler 2000. Living in the environment—Principles, connections and solutions. Brooks/Cole, Thomson learning, Inc. 815 pages+appendix, glossary, index.

Odum, E.P. 1983. Basic ecology. Saunders College Publ. 613 pages.

Odum,Eugene P. 2004. Fundamentals of Ecology. Brooks Cole; 5th edition. 624 pages.

Pianka, Eric R. 1983. Evolutionary ecology. Harper & Row, N.Y. 416 pages.

Smith, R.L. 1990. Ecology and field biology. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 740 pages.

Smith,Robert L. 2002. Elements of Ecology. Benjamin Cummings; 5th edition. 682 pages.

Southwick, Charles H. 1996. Global Ecology in Human Perspective. Oxford University Press. 416 pages.

Wright, R.T. & Nebel, B.J. 2002. Envionmental Science. Prentice-Hall, India Pvt. Ltd. 681 pages.


Ananthakrishnan & Viswanathan, T.R. 1976. General Animal ecology. McMillan Co., India. 324 pages.

Purohit, S.S. 2004. Ecology & Environmental biology. Agrobios (India). 550 pages.

Purohit, S.S. & Agrawal, A.K. 2004. Environmental pollution: causes, effects and control. 601 pages.

Purohit, S.S., Shammi, Q.J. & Agrawal, A.K. 2004. A text book of environmental sciences. 398 pages.

Rastogi, V.B. & Jayaraj, M.S. Animal ecology and distribution of animals.

Sharma, P.D. 1993. Environmental biology and toxicology. Rastogi & Co. 344 pages.

Sharma, P.D. 2000. Ecology and environment. Rastogi Publ. 660 pages.

2 Comments so far

Lamaran BalaPosted on10:31 am - Jun 9, 2022

Highly educative

VijayPosted on10:45 pm - Oct 13, 2019

Studies on animal ecology and ecosystem

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